Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Play the Yes, And ... Improv Game

How to Play the Yes, And ... Improv Game Unless an actor is the star of a one-person show, his or her acting experience will involve a lot of cooperation and engagement with other actors. In theory, an actor should be able to pick up on his or her fellow actors body language and tone, responding appropriately and seamlessly, even in the trickiest situations.   The Problems Actors Face on Stage When Things Go Wrong Plenty of actors have been part of a scene in which lines are dropped. Without proper training, actors often stand speechless, wondering what happened,  and what to do next. With an understanding of improv and cooperation, actors can seamlessly continue the scene, guiding the story back to the script. Similar situations occur in a live theater all the time. A prop has disappeared, a cue is missed, a table is in the wrong position, and actors must work together to keep the scene moving forward in a plausible manner. How Actors Learn to Go With the Flow on Stage Part of the proper training for the unexpected involves improv work that requires creative cooperation. The game Yes, And forces actors to avoid rejecting other cast members ideas, and, instead, to find a way to go with the flow. Yes, And is the opposite of No, But, which is a response that can lead to catastrophe on stage. The game Yes, And is very simple. In an improv situation, actors are required to accept their fellow actors ideas and build on them. For example, at the beginning of the scene, the first character begins by establishing a setting and plot, as seen below.   Character #1: What a hot and miserable day to be a ranch hand! (Following the â€Å"Yes, And† method, the second character will accept the premise and add to the situation.)Character #2: Yep and the boss said we don’t get no water until this fence is mended.Character #1: Yes and ain’t he the meanest cuss we’ve ever worked for?Character #2: Yep and it’s made me think about leaving behind this cowboy life and headin’ off for San Francisco. Developing Conflict Can Help Actors Move the Plot Along Now, the scene could continue on indefinitely with the actors simply agreeing with one another. However, it’s best to develop conflict as well. For example: Character #2: Yep, and it’s made me think about leaving behind this cowboy life and headin’ off for San Francisco.Character #1: Yes, and you’d be broke twenty minutes after stepping off the stagecoach.Character #2: Yeah, and I supposed you think you could do better?!Character #1: Yes! And after I made my fortune panning for gold I come back and buy this sorry ranch and you’d be working for me! After working on â€Å"Yes, And† exercises, actors ultimately learn how to do scenes in which they embrace the ideas and concepts offered by fellow performers. Actors don’t actually need to say the words â€Å"Yes, And† for the system to work. They simply need to affirm what the character is saying and allow it to build the scene. If actors deny their fellow performer, the scene may be dead in the water before it even had a chance. See how it could unfold: Character #1: What a hot and miserable day to be a ranch hand!Character #2: No it’s not. And we’re not ranch hands either.

Friday, November 22, 2019

First Assignment Paper in English II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

First Assignment Paper in English II - Essay Example However, one can expect twists and differences in the narration if the story were told by some other member of the family (her father, mother, or brothers), depending on the changes in their perspectives and points of view. There are many narrative techniques such as the first person narration, the third person narration, and techniques such as the interior monologue and the stream of consciousness. While the third person omniscient is referred to as â€Å"having unlimited knowledge† (Schakel & Ridl 104) regarding the events, all the other narrative techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. The narrator, in the story, is constructed by the author herself and the fact that Cisneros also â€Å"shared Esperanza’s sense of dislocation and lack of permanence† tend many to consider Esperanza as the ‘persona’ (‘first person narrator who seems to speak directly for the author’) of the author herself (Schakel & Ridl 101). A clear understanding of the point of view of the story calls for special â€Å"attention to the person telling the story and the perspective from which it is told† (Schakel & Ridl 101). The power of the story lies in the art of narration-narrating the story through a child’s perspective who is unaware of the actual problems the household faces such as poverty, class distinctions, housing patterns and the power of landlords (Schakel & Ridl 108). It is important to understand the ‘vantage point’ from which the narrator tells the story and an effective reader should be able to grasp the inside and outside of the narrator’s perspective. Similarly, the past events narrated by the narrator also are significant to understand the central idea or theme of the story. The narrator is somewhat happy that the house on the mango street is theirs and that they â€Å"don’t have to pay rent to anybody,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Continental and monsoon Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Continental and monsoon - Assignment Example The monsoon wind blowing from the neighboring and oceans are playing a significant role in determining the climatic disparities in different parts of China and other parts of the Asian continent. Continental and monsoon are playing significant role in shaping the climate of China. They have an established relationship where one factor affects the other and intern reflects on the climate. For instance, China has an abundance of mountain barriers and the inland depression results in regional differences in terms of atmospheric circulation, solar radiation, and climate as a whole. A continental climate is associated with bigger land masses and extreme annual range of temperature that prevails in large parts of China (Wang 381). The air reaching China from Atlantic Ocean passing from Europe or Africa loses most of its moisture to the oceans hence coming out dry. These winds play a role in determining the climate of China. Their moisture content shapes the climate patterns of the areas they pass. Although there is some monsoon wind blowing from the north, arctic wind does not have access to the region. Tropical and equatorial air masses predominate in the south of Asia with restriction by the ridges of the mountain belt that stretches from west Asia highlands, through the Himalayas to south China and south Asia Mountains (Science Clarified 4-8). Similarly, the continental monsoon wind is playing a significant role in determining China climate through the way it blows. For instance, dry and cold winter monsoon blows from Siberia and the Mongolian plateau from September to April leading to cold and dry winters. It also results to the differences in temperature experienced in north and south of China (Raman and Sharan 1533). More so, warm and humid monsoon wind blows from the sea to east and south between April and September resulting in high temperatures and plentiful rainfall. It also leads to the little differences in temperatures

Monday, November 18, 2019

Impressions of Visiting Vatican Museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Impressions of Visiting Vatican Museum - Essay Example Before going into the particular sensations that my senses felt, it is necessary to begin to describe the experience with relation to the mood that I had upon arriving at the Vatican museum. The mood itself was a mixture of feelings that helped to add to the overall experience and the level to which I can recall it. Firstly, I was exhausted from my travels. Secondly, I was fatigued from standing in line under the hot Italian sun for over an hour. Thirdly, I was thrilled to realize the fact that finally, I was going to be able to realize my dream. And lastly, upon entering the museum itself, I was in pure amazement. What greeted my senses was something that is difficult to retell while keeping the experience as powerful as it was to me. Upon entering the museum, I remember the distinct smells that I encountered. It was an interesting medley that recalled the smell of an air conditioner that had just been turned on for the first time of the season mixed with the powdery smell that ston e buildings often have. What was noticeably remarkable was the fact that the museum did not smell like a museum. Instead, it smelled more sterile. This had the combined effect of somewhat distancing the exhibits from the reach of the visitor. Had the location smelled more like a museum, it is likely that I would have in some way met at least a few of my prior expectations regarding the exhibits housed within. One factor that detracted from the overall experience was the sheer number of people that were in the Vatican museum at the same time that I took my tour. Although I expected that such a tourist attraction would be crowded, I had no way of preparing myself for the number of people that I encountered. Unfortunately, at times, the crush of the crowd did take away from the overall experience as I felt that at certain times I was being herded through the museum without having the necessary time to take in the setting and/or the artwork that greeted me.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The History Of Subtitles In Media

The History Of Subtitles In Media Soon after the invention of film, many efforts were made to convey the dialogue of the actors to the audience. It was started with what we now call intertitles which texts are drawn or printed on paper then filmed and placed between the sequences of the film. In 1903, they were first seen as epic and descriptive titles in Edwin S. Porters movie, Uncle Toms Cabin. However, there are some argument saying this technique may have been invented by cartoonist and filmmaker, J. Stuart Blackton. The titles were called as subtitles since 1909 as they were used in the same way in a newspaper. In the early years, the subtitles were already been placed in the moving image. However, this is very rare and only applicable to a few moving images such as in Porters College Chums (1907), Judex (1916) and Mireille (1922). In the early days of film subtitling the main problem was to place the subtitles on the distribution copies, as the negative was usually in safe keeping in the country of origin. Norway, Sweden, Hungary and France quickly took the lead in developing techniques for subtitling films. However, the first attested showing of a sound film with subtitles was when The Jazz Singer (originally released in the US in October 1927) opened in Paris, on January 26, 1929, with subtitles in French. Later that year, Italy followed suit, and on August 17, 1929, another Al Jolson film, The Singing Fool, opened in Copenhagen, fitted with Danish subtitles. (Gottlieb, p. 216) Jan Ivarsson (2004, November 17). A short technical history of subtitle in Europe. While it is still in the era of intertitles, it was very easy to solve the translation problem. The original titles were simply removed, translated, filmed and re-inserted back into the movie. An alternative is where a speaker was used to give a simultaneous interpretation of the intertitles such as the French Bonimenteur and the Japanese Benshi. To start with, attempts were made to breathe new life into the technique invented in 1909, i.e. manual projection of slides with printed texts directly onto the screen, but very soon, methods of copying photographed titles on to the film copy itself came into use. A frame containing the title was kept in position while the film negative and the positive print strip were fed forward and exposed. Jan Ivarsson (2004, November 17). A short technical history of subtitle in Europe. In fact, the very first subtitles in the modern sense have already saw the light of day since the silent film era. In 1909, M. N. Topp came out with a device which rapid showing titles for moving pictures other than those on the film strip. With this method, the projectionist can easily use the sciopticon (a kind of slide projector) to show the subtitles on the screen below the intertitles. However, this was never much more than a curiosity as similar technique with the titles on a film strip instead of slides have been used from time to time up to the present day in 2010. In 1930 a Norwegian inventor, Leif Eriksen, took out a patent for a method of stamping titles directly on to the images on the film strip, first moistening the emulsion layer to soften it. The titles were typeset, printed on paper and photographed to produce very small letterpress type plates for each subtitle. Later, in 1935, a Hungarian inventor, O. Turchà ¡nyi, registered a patent for a method whereby the plates were heated to a sufficiently high temperature to melt away the emulsion on the film without the need for a softening bath. Jan Ivarsson (2004, November 17). A short technical history of subtitle in Europe. Literature Review Function of subtitle: There a few main functions of subtitle. Among the functions of subtitle is to help the viewer in understanding the speeches or conversations that are ongoing in the movie. According to DePorter, B. and Hernacki, M, (1992) in QUANTUM LEARNING: Unleashing the Genius in You, there are three types of information modalities in human which are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. In this case, the creation of subtitle might help those people who perceive information visually. Another main function of subtitle is to translate foreign language speeches in a movie to aid the native viewer in understanding the foreign movie. As the world is much globalised now, people can watch movies from across the world which might have different languages used and so the role of subtitle here is important which is to translate the foreign language into a particular natives language. Subtitle also helps the audibly impaired movie viewers in watching movies. Although audibly impaired people cannot hear anything, they are still visually potent. Therefore, they can never be neglected as potential customers of filming industry. With the existence of subtitle, it encourages this group of people to watch any movie they like. Positive Effect: A large number of researches based on observations and feedback from students have been done to determine the positive effect of monolingual subtitles on viewer-learners. This type of screen translation, known as subtitle helps a lot in the language acquisition process by providing them with written comprehensible input, which can help the viewer to understand better in the movie. This will indirectly motivates them to continue watching and encourage them to extend their learning and intake of the language. Subtitles encourage positive learning reaction by presenting the movie in both visual and hearing perception, allowing the viewer to have multi-semiotic reception. In most of the case of foreign language viewers, they often learn through hearing, reading and visual perception of images. When an oral dialogue is transformed into written textual material, the outcome must be very accurate and always follows the paste of the speech by actor so that the subtitle can easily combine with the audiovisual make-up of the film or TV program. This is an important part in monolingual subtitling for learning purposes, especially the correspondence between the spoken text and written text as this could ensure the learners feedback is not only exposed to the phonological and orthographic inaccuracies but also to semantic confusion. For example, the movie Bend it like Beckham which uses different linguistic expression has create confusion in the viewer, unless they are gradually guided with explanat ion throughout the movie. Simultaneous presentation of soundtrack and written text improves recognition memory for spoken words and can aid novel word learning, as assessed by explicit and implicit memory tests (Bird and Williams, 2002: 509). Memory and learning are closely related. Annamaria Caimi (2006). The journal of Specialised Translation (6), 14. The term learning is often referring to the process of getting of information, while the term memory is always refer as the storage of information. However, this may be merged together which is considered by psychologists as a mean of incorporating encoding, storage and retrieval of information. Recently, memory researchers discovered that sometimes past events influence our present behavior without our conscious awareness. Such memories are referred as implicit memories. On the other hand, explicit memory refers to conscious and intentional collection of experiences. Implicit memory is been measured by using indirect memory tests while explicit memory has always been measured by using direct memory tests like recall and recognition. A group of university student which consist of fifteen members have volunteered themselves to attend a series of experimental class modules on intralingual subtitled videos. In the early stages of the experiment, the students were been tested on lexical, semantic and visual recognition memory after attending the first module of lessons which they viewed some intralingua subtitled videos. The analysis of their answer shows positive results only if the quality of the subtitles is good and appropriately adapted to the plot, speed of speech, images and scenes. The use of imagery and text as an elaborative study task is examined to determine its effects on tests that are adapted to an explicit recognition memory perspective. The tests are based on word-stem completion, dialogue completion, paraphrasing completion, questions on context, colour/object association, true/false questions, old/new questions, yes/no questions and summary completion. Annamaria Caimi (2006). The journal of Specialised Translation (6), 14. The tests with provisional results have shown that explicit test performance is greatly improved after the students perform an imaginary study task. This improvement is significant as the students are able to imagine the referent of visually presented words and sentences. However, it is very important that the subtitle is kept with its optimal requisites so that the improvements are maximized. Such optimal requisites for a subtitle demand the professional ability of the audiovisual translator, who has to transfer the relevant verbal dialogue into written text to be presented without any changes of meaning. It is very obvious and important that a professional audiovisual translator is not paraphrasing the cues, but rather transforming the dialogue in a concise way by eliminating the redundancies, and sometimes if necessary safeguarding the kernel message which is crucial to the understanding of the scene. The reading and listening comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, word recognitio n, and overall motivation to read among students will only be improved only if these tight and crucial rules subtitling are been followed appropriately. Negative effects of subtitle: Although subtitle brings benefit to all movie viewers, there are still a few flaws in it. According to Holger Mitterer from Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen and James M. McQueen from Behavioural Science Institute and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition Behaviour, Centre for Cognition, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, foreign subtitles help but native-Language subtitles harm foreign speech perception. Native-language subtitles appear to create lexical interference, but foreign-language subtitles assist speech learning by indicating which words (and hence sounds)are being spoken. Holger Mitterer from Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen and James M. McQueen from Behavioural Science Institute and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition Behaviour, Centre for Cognition, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Foreign Subtitles Help but Native-Language Subtitles Harm Foreign Speech Perception, PLoS One. 2009; 4(11): e7785. Published online 2009 November 11. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0007785 It is shown that native-Language subtitles harm foreign speech perception as one cannot really perceive foreign language speech due to the fact they perceive them by using the lexical and phonics of their own native language. This way of perceiving will create wrong perception about the lexical and phonics of foreign language as the structure of foreign and native language can never be the same. Imagine an American listener, fluent in Mexican Spanish, watching El Laberinto del fauno [Pans Labyrinth, 3]. She may have considerable difficulty understanding the European Spanish if she is unfamiliar with that language variety. How might she be able to cope better? We argue here that subtitles can help. Critically, the subtitles should be in Spanish, not English. This is because subtitles in the language of the film indicate which words are being spoken, and so can boost speech learning about foreign speech sounds. Holger Mitterer from Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen and James M. McQueen from Behavioural Science Institute and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition Behaviour, Centre for Cognition, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Foreign Subtitles Help but Native-Language Subtitles Harm Foreign Speech Perception, PLoS One. 2009; 4(11): e7785. Published online 2009 November 11. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0007785 Besides that, subtitle may not completely display all the text speeches in the movie due to time constrain. This will result in poor quality of subtitle; hence, the movie viewers cannot totally rely on subtitle as an aid in capturing and understanding the speeches and conversations that are ongoing in the movie. In this case, if one relies too much on subtitle, he or she may not completely capture the content of the movie. There is one uncommon case about the negative effect of subtitle which is movie subtitle encloses computer virus. According to BitDefender PressCenter, BitDefender has tracked down a spying program which encloses itself in DIVX film subtitle library in the internet. Details inside the virus body may indicate that the author is a Romanian fan of underground music.It tricks users into executing the backdoor, using the name of the movie Kill Bill. The ZIP file was specially crafted, so most antivirus products will not identify the file inside as executable, Mihai Neagu, Virus Researcher at BitDefender Lab said. The backdoor sends network and internet passwords, as well as statistical system information by email, to the virus author, Mihai added. BitDefender PressCenter, 16th October 2010. Previous Studies on Subtitles First study This study was conducted by Abdul Samad.A. He is a student from University of King Ahmed(2006). Abdul Samad.A analyzed the translation of English conditional sentence in The Network Conspiracy movie and its subtitle which is done by Said Saqqaf. Abdul Samad.A took the data from the movie and the subtitle. He studied the process of the translation from spoken language into written language. He interested in study the translation varieties of English conditional structural sentence into Arabic conditional structural sentence. He also analyzed the type of the translation and the message equivalence. Results: He found that there are 21 varieties of the English conditional sentence translated into explicit, implicit, and another Arabic conjunction. Also he found five types of translation into the subtitling (literal translation, word-for-word translation, pragmatic translation, dynamic translation, ethnographic translation) Second Study This study was conducted by Abdul Rauf. A. (2006). He is a student of University of King Ahmed. S. Abdul Rauf studied the comissive utterance in The Hurt Locker movie and its subtitle which is done by M. Hamid and Hnadi. S. Abdul Rauf took the data from the utterance of the movie and its subtitle. He studied the process of the translation from spoken language into written language. He analyzed the equivalence politeness and the accurateness of translation of comissive utterance by using the equivalence and the accurateness translation theory. Results: His study shows some accurate translation and some inaccurate translation. There are 15 (fifteen) from 20 (twenty) data (95.19%) are accurate translation and 6 (six) data (5.81%) are in accurate translation. Related to the politeness equivalence, he found four politenesses in the movie and its translation (positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record, and off record) Third Study This study was conducted by Windarta (2008). She is a student from Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. In this study, Windarta analyzed the condensation strategy in subtitling of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Film. She took the data from dialogue of the actors of the movie and its subtitle. She studied the translation process from spoken language into written language. Then she analyzed the condensation strategy in subtitling the movie. Results: The study showed three main results. First, there are five types of condensation sentence are used in the subtitle (positive interrogative sentence, positive and negative declarative sentence, positive and negative imperative sentence). Second, the reasons of using condensation strategy in this subtitle are related to providing maximum appreciation and comprehension and readability and to the temporal parameter / duration. Third, there are some condensation sentence are non-equivalence. Movies Reviews Journey to the Center of Earth Movie Review: The pioneer live-action feature to make use of new digital 3-D technology has to be Journey to the Centre of Earth. The film producers, however, has lost track of the need to tell a compelling story to enhance the eye candy in producing what amounts to a 90-minutes theme park ride. Although taking its name from one of the most well-known science fiction novels of all centuries, Journey to the Centre of the Earth is as feeble when it meets with fiction as it is when it meets with science. It is undeniably a lengthy gimmick, a chance for special effects whiz-turned-director Eric Brevig to impress the audience with his technical brilliance. In absence of lawful script with credible characters, and with 3-D, a little goes a long way, the thrill ended long before the movie ended. The movies plot is bad. The relationship between Trevor and Sean is dull; neither is developed as more than a puppet to manipulate with in the 3-D surroundings. It is Hannahs role to make Trevor looks like a fool and in the end provide some unexciting romance. The attempt to import some charm by Brendan Fraser that he showed it in The Mummy to this film has generally failed. Trevor is basically just a human face to enter into a world that is a cross between Jurassic Park and Land of the Lost. On the whole, it is just all about its striking 3-D, but after 30 minutes (or so) of pretty images, one begins to desire for more and it makes the movie cant deliver. Take away the 3-D, and theres little remaining. The Karate Kid Movie Review: The karate kid is among the most satisfying and interesting movie Ive seen all year. I like the new star Jaden Smith, who is only 12 years old and the main character in this movie. Smith plays Dre, a Detroit pre-teen who moved to Beijing as his mother was transferred here because of her job. He was able to make fast friends with an American boy and a cute Chinese girl named MeiYing. But a school bully named Cheng makes his life in China a living hell. For many times Dre has given up and please her mother to bring him back to Detroit. Finally, Dre get knew to a local repairman named Mr. Han who teaches him martial arts to defend himself for an upcoming tournament. While teaching the boy, Mr Han learnt some important lessons of his own which is very remarkable. I think this movie has discovered a right and important truth, the audience watching a pre-teen to get bullied and fight back is a lot more powerful and touched than if they are adult. For example, it is quite hard to imagine those kids facing the kinds of chest-caving punches and kicks. It is also a little weird and new to watch kids this little to romance each other while it is less awkward for audience if they were older. The most important is, The Karate Kid also treat the Asian locale with respect, which gave the whole film a greater sense of seriousness and sincereness. Moreover, there are also some acknowledgement of the cultural differences between America and China. The Karate Kid has gorgeous and attractive scenery, and the filmmakers make the most of the local, with the most amazing forbidden city, as well as a nice peek into a temple studying kung-fu deep in the mountains, which is quite a beautiful shot. Jackie Chan, the famous Chinese actor who act as the repairman, Mr Han, has been in bad situation lately in North America, but in Asia, he is moving towards to become a character actor with big films like Little Big Soldier. Jackie got the best role he ever had in America as Han. He really acts very well in this movie, especially in his big emoting scene, in which we get knew to his tragic past, is among the finest acting I have ever seen from him. Finally, I am confused with why is this movie called The Karate Kid but not Kung-Fu Kid as there is absolutely no action of Karate in this movie. I also agreed that the kids who fought Dre were too evil and cruel, so as their coach. Furthermore, this movie is also too long; it runs about 130 minutes, which is too long for an audience to enjoy it. However, this was my only disappointment towards the nice movie. In overall, I think this is a good movie and is a very suitable and worth to watch movie. In fact, I honestly cant remember the last time I felt myself enjoy so thoroughly while I am watching such as well and prefect sort of movie. The Findings Based on our studies, we definitely understand the movie The Journey to The Centre of The Earth better because it has English subtitles. The other movie which is The Karate Kid, it has Chinese subtitles. The movie itself is in English, therefore with the English subtitles, we were able to catch every word spoken by the actors and actresses. Besides that, we learnt how to pronounce it properly. This will helps us in improving our phonics in English language. It is not that we did not understand the Karate Kid movie but surely there are many words that we missed. Having the Chinese subtitle definitely did not help me at all as not everyone knows Chinese. As a consequence, it forces us to download either our own native-language subtitle or English language subtitle from the internet. Downloading subtitles from the internet will put our computers at risk of being infected by virus which is found recently by BitDefender. Thus, to be cost wise, it is safer to have a movie that has both sub titles and speeches in a same language. If we were to say that Mandarin subtitle can help someone who is learning English especially the Chinese themselves, it is definitely a major error of learning English as it is proven that foreign speeches are better off to be with subtitle in the same language. This is because native language subtitle harms foreign speech perception, like in this case of English speeches with Mandarin subtitles. For instance, the Chinese themselves especially those who are not well verse with the basic of English language structure itself, will perceive the structure of English language and Mandarin language whether it is grammatically, lexically or speeches, as the same with each other. Therefore, it is not encouraged for people to learn a foreign language by looking at native language subtitle in a movie; instead they should look for movies that have both speeches and subtitle in the same language. Furthermore, when we use subtitle which is in the same language with the movie, of course it will help us improve our language acquisition process in that particular language as it will expose us to accurate usage of grammar and vocabulary and phonics. If it is the other way, we could get confuse of a particular word spoken and the meaning of it. Because for example, for every line spoken, in the subtitle it will be translated for the whole line. It will not be translated word by word as some English vocabularies are not found in Chinese vocabulary and it would carry different meanings and sometimes it would not even make sense. So, basically the reading and listening comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, word recognition, and overall motivation to read among students can be improved in this way. Based on the functions of subtitles, it is very essential for a subtitle to present the speech of the actors in a nice and clear way. Somebody can understand the movie better by looking at the subtitle in the same language with the movie while some prefer their mother language. From the positive side of view, a suitable subtitle language can encourage positive learning reaction by presenting the movie in both visual and hearing perception. These will indirectly motivate them to continue watching and encourage them to extend their learning and intake of language. This is very important especially for children and students who are in the process of learning a language and spending most of their time watching movies. Moreover, only when we really understand the movie, then we can really get into the movie and enjoy what the movie is really about. Then, from the negative side of view, sometimes a foreign language subtitles may cause conflict to a person towards the movie as the subtitle may not completely display all the text speeches in the movie due to time constrain. The audience cannot totally rely on subtitle as an aid for capturing and understanding the speeches in the movie. From our own experiences, with the help of subtitles it does make me understand better. We become excited in learning English and it does give me the motivation to learn more as well as mastering the language. We, personally, more prefer subtitles with the same language with the movie itself because to me it is far better if you want to improve a particular language with enjoying the movie at the same time. Like the saying goes, it is like killing two birds with a stone. So, the two hours will not be wasted just for the sake of enjoyment if you can also dig something else out of it. Thereby, the movie of Journey to the Centre of Earth which both of its speeches and subtitles is in English is more understandable than Karate Kid that has English speeches but Mandarin subtitle. Closure In general, I think the subtitles provided do improve my English language. It is very important for a movie to have subtitles so that I can easily understand the story line. For example, sometimes the actor speaks too fast or the actor has weird accent such as British or American accent, I find it quite hard to get what they said, so now subtitles is needed for better understanding. With subtitles, we can learn more about English speaking in other countrys accent. This really helps a lot especially if you are a traveller who travels very often to other country. For an English movie, the subtitle can be in various type of language. In Malaysia, we normally use our four main languages as the subtitle in our movie, which is English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. These languages reflect our country as a multi-racial country which consists mainly of Malays, Chinese and Indians. For subtitle in English language, the subtitle is absolutely same as what the actor is speaking. Therefore, I can learn to speak and the correct pronunciations of a specific word by listening to the actor. Furthermore, I can also easily spot new words in the movie by having the subtitle, thus I can get know to many new vocabularies just by searching those new words in the dictionary. I can also remember the word better if I can see and hear it rather than just hearing it. Next, English subtitle also helps to improve my reading skill. We need to read fast enough so that we can always follow the subtitle and get knew to what the actors really meant in their speaking. Next, for subtitle in Malay, Chinese and Tamil, these are the mother language of our majority race in Malaysia. With these languages as subtitle, we can easily get knew to the new word spoken by the actor as we are very familiar with our own mother language. Furthermore, when watching an English movie with these mother languages subtitles, our brain automatically translate the subtitle into English. Therefore, our English is also indirectly been improved in this way. In conclusion, subtitles in an English movie will definitely help to improve our English language. We must appreciate the work done by all those film makers in making their movies complete with subtitles. Together we watch movie with good subtitle and develop an endless love towards our English language which is one of the most powerful language in the world nowadays.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Farewell to the One-Reelers :: essays research papers

The plot of Big Red Riding Hood is as thin as you can get, but that is usually the case with most one-reelers. Charley plays Jimmy Jump as in all of his one-reel shorts. A title describes Charley's character, "Jimmy Jump -- An intellectual giant, but a financial dwarf." Charley's task in this film is to translate the story "Little Red Riding Hood" into Swedish. So, in the entire film, Charley tries to finish reading the story. When a man buys the book and puts it in the back seat of his car, Jimmy rides alongside the car with his bicycle. He is so absorbed in his reading that he doesn't realize that a couple of gangsters have stolen the car and are being chased by the police. After a car-to-car shootout, with Jimmy oblivious to any action that takes place around him, he and his bicycle fall off the dock and into the sea where he manages to finish the story. Despite the simple plot, it is quite original, and many good gags stem from it. One memorable gag is when Jimmy tries to read the story from above a sunshade using binoculars. A policeman, persuing a thief, shoots his gun in the air hitting the sunshade, which falls to the ground along with Jimmy. There are many slapstick incidents that Jimmy gets into, like getting pricked with a sharp object in his rear and trying to avoid a suspicious cop, but many gags are quite inspired. The elaborate shootout as well as Jimmy's drop into the water at the end serve as the film's most exciting moments. The part when Jimmy falls into the water is quite memorable, in fact. Right after he descends into the sea, he finishes the story and a wide smile goes over his face, but just as quickly fear registers on his mug as he realizes where he is. Another memorable, yet quite surreal, scene in the film is the dream sequence. In it, Jimmy is an inept woodsman and Helen Gilmore plays Little Red Riding Hood.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Geography Coursework – Methodology – Centre Of Leeds’ CBD

For my geography project I visited Leeds to try and find the economic centre of the CBD of Leeds. I needed to collect land use data as this would help me investigate the first of my hypotheses which is the nearer to the centre of the CBD, the taller the buildings as I counted the heights of buildings in my area on the geography field trip and with the groups data of the building height of the whole CBD. Also I would have needed to count the pedestrian flow as this would help me investigate the second of my hypotheses which is there will be a higher volume of pedestrians nearer the centre of the CBD .The data collection area was near the centre of Leeds CBD as I collected my data around Briggate as the edge of the Leeds CBD is near the tall office buildings. < a map to show the buildings that our group had counted in our square B2 and shows numbered square > The two pieces of individual data that I collected was: 1. traffic count 2. Environmental quality assessment The two pieces of group data we collected was: 1. Pedestrian flow 2. Land use 3. Building height The individual secondary data that I will be collecting is: 1. Land values The structure of the day was that we were going to split the day into two halves. We collected the group data in the morning and the individual data in the afternoon so we had much more time to collect our individual data. Group data For our group data we split the CBD into grid squares and two people were responsible for recording the building height and land use for the buildings in the given area and to do four pedestrian flows and we did the pedestrians flow outside the Town Hall on Westgate. We did this so we could cover more area and therefore the data collection techniques had to be the same throughout the whole year. For the group data we calculated the Pedestrian flow in a certain area at four different times also we calculated of the building height of the buildings in my groups square and started straight after we got out off the coach. Also we did land use of the buildings for this we calculated what particular use a building would be. We put letters on a map of Leeds that sod for type of the building e.g. a=commerce, b =administration etc. All the data in the Group Data was to be shared between all the groups. < The image on the left to shows my square which was B2 and the image on the right shows the building we had to investigate> Building Height To collect data for building height I worked with a partner and we counted the number of windows of each building in our grid and used this as the height, we did this because we didn't have the time or equipment to measure the exact heights. We then collected the whole of the year's data and have a good number of buildings from each grid to see where the tallest buildings are also the Building Height was fairly easy at times as you had to count the floors on the outside of the buildings, but there were problems counting the building height as we agreed not to count the cellars, but some buildings on slopes had cellars at the back and ground floors at the front of the buildings and we did not agree to count these aswell. Pedestrian flow We marked out four points on our maps equally distant apart and took counts of people who pass us. One of our pair counted right to left and the other counted left to right so we could efficiently record everyone. We went to the Town Hall on Westgate and we counted the number of pedestrians who were walking either in or out of the CBD. We thought this was an ideal to do our pedestrian count as we were near the edge of the CBD, so it was an ideal place to count the number of pedestrians walking in and out of the CBD. Land Use For this we used the ground floor land use of each building on our maps; we had certain categories and we put them in the ones which best fitted the land use. We did this because the categories gave an idea of the type of land and what it was used for. We then collected them with the rest of the year's data on a database to see the different land uses around the CBD. We had filled in the land use of the buildings in a table which has all the number of the buildings. I think that the amount of categories that sort out the buildings was the right amount because if there were more categories it would have made it more complicated to organise the Land use on GIS, if there was less categories then it would have made it hard to organise the different types of buildings in the categories. Luckily we had successfully had no problems classifying the buildings into different categories. Individual data For individual data I collected raw data for the two options I chose. I did this by going round Leeds CBD and recording the data. In the second part of the day we did Individual Data. I did 10 environmental quality assessments and I did 2 traffic counts as they took 5 minutes each and the environmental quality assessments were scattered around the Leeds CBD. Environmental quality survey I did many of these all around the CBD of Leeds as I had done 10 environmental quality assessments and I had done many of these near the centre of the CBD as my investigation is to find the centre of the CBD of Leeds. I did many of the environmental quality assessments around the centre of the CBD (which I think it is near or on Briggate) and I did the rest of the environmental quality assessment sheets around the edges of the CBD. The reason I did the survey in different areas of the CBD was to see the difference of the quality of the environment throughout the CBD of Leeds. I also thought that this survey was important as the centre of the CBD is supposed to have the best quality of environment in the whole CBD of Leeds. As the table shows this is not true and the cleanest area is in Gourmet Pizzeria, St Paul's Street. < Shows the Quality of environmental survey I used> Traffic count Our group did the Traffic count in a busy location. We did our traffic on Bishopgate Street, beside Leeds Train station. The reason of us choosing the location was because it was at the edge of the CBD meaning the traffic that we had counted had been going in and out of the CBD. We did 3 traffic counts at different times but at the same location as we wanted to see the change of the traffic flow throughout the day. In our traffic count we had counted all the vehicles that came passed the road, cars, buses, taxis e.t.c. The most amount of traffic that had come past our point (the highest number of vehicles an hour) was at 2.30 pm and there was 1524 Vehicles an hour.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Plant Asset Essay

Disposal of Plant Assets 1. Discard Plant Assets 2. Sell Plant Assets 3. Exchange Plant Assets – Exchange with similar assets – Exchange with dissimilar assets Discard Assets A machine costing $9000 with accumulated depreciation of $9000 is discarded on June 5, 2001 Machine 9000 Accumulated depreciation 9000 Accumulated depreciation needs reverse entry General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Discard Assets A machine costing $8000 with accumulated depreciation of $6000 on Dec 31, 2000. It is discarded on July 1, 2001 Machine 8000 Accumulated depreciation 000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Selling Plant Asset 3 Types of Selling – Sell at book value – Sell above book value – Sell below book value Sell Plant Asset at Book Value Example A machine costing $16000 with accumulated depreciation of $12000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is sold on March 1, 2003 for cash = $3000 Machine Accumulated depreciatio n 16000 12000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Sell Plant Asset Above Book Value Example A machine costing $16000 with accumulated depreciation of $12000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is sold on March 1, 2003 for cash = $7000 Machine Accumulated depreciation 16000 12000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Sell Plant Asset below Book Value Example A machine costing $16000 with accumulated depreciation of $12000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is sold on March 1, 2003 for cash = $2500 Machine Accumulated depreciation 16000 12000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Exchanging Plant Assets Assets Exchange Dissimilar Similar Loss Recognized Recognized Gain Recognized Not Recognized Exchange Similar Asset – Gain Example An old equipment costing $36,000 with accumulated depreciation of $20,000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is exchanged on Jan 1, 2003 for new equipment that has fair value =$42,000 by paying more cash = $33000 Machine Accumulated depreciation 36,000 20,000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Exchange Dissimilar Asset – Gain Example An old equipment costing $36,000 with accumulated depreciation of $20,000 on Dec 31, 2002. It is exchanged on Jan 1, 2003 for new equipment that has fair value =$52,000 by paying more cash = $33000 Machine Accumulated depreciation 6,000 20,000 General Journal Date Account Title and Explanation PR Debit Credit Summary ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cost of plant assets Lump sum purchase Capital expenditure and Revenue expenditure Depreciation method Partial year Depreciation Revise estimate of salvage value and useful life Disposal of plant assets Practice On July 14, 99 company A paid $600,000 cash to acquire a factory that has land, land improvement building and machinery. Appraised value: ? land = $160,000 ? land improvement = $80,000 ? Building = $320,000 ? Machinery = $240,000 Journalize?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Holden and Depression

Holden and Depression Free Online Research Papers Depression, one of the world’s most prevalent psychological problems, affects nearly everyone through either personal experience or through depression in a family member or friend. Each year, over 17 million Americans experience a period of clinical depression. In a teenager’s life, they must confront peer pressure problems at school, problems at home, the deaths of loved ones, alcohol abuse, etc.; another cause of depression is said to be smoking, a habit Holden is addicted to. â€Å"Teens who smoked were at an increased risk of depression at a 73% higher rate than other teens.† (Goodman and Capitman, 2005) Depression interferes with regular functioning, and frequently causes problems with work, social, and family adjustment. It causes pain and suffering, not only to those who have the disorder, but also to those who love and care for them. Depression has the ability to destroy family life as well as the life of the depressed person. A person suffering from depression usually exhibits a very low mood, which pervades all aspects of life, and an inability to experience pleasure in activities that formerly were enjoyed. They may ruminate over thoughts of worthlessness, guilt, regret, helplessness, and hopelessness. Symptoms of depression in teenagers do not directly correspond to those of major depression, but are extremely similar. Teenagers suffering from this condition often display frequent sadness and guilt, extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure, difficulty with relationships, poor performance in school, poor concentration, efforts to run away from home, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol or drug abuse. Holden Caulfield, a sixteen year-old New York City teenager in the 1950s, displays many of the symptoms of teen depression. Holden’s current clinical presentation appears to represent an acute exacerbation of a chronic psychotic disturbance which had its onset when his younger brother, Allie, died from leukemia. The Caulfield family has not yet openly discussed the event of Allie’s death, thus penetrating the threshold of pain that Holden can bear. Holden exposes a deep void in his soul that yearns for the return of his lost sibling. His condition was worsened when attending Elkton Hills where one of his peers, James Castle, was harassed and bullied, resulting in his suicide. Holden comments, â€Å"†¦ there was old James Castle laying there right on the stone steps and all. He was dead, and his teeth, and blood, were all over the place, and nobody would even go near him.† (Salinger, 170) However, despite Holden’s imprudent actions and vulgar dialogue , he experiences ephemeral periods of despondency and sorrow. His personality is that of an improvident individual who seeks pleasure and contentment; however, his plans are easily altered by his ever-changing disposition, due to hovering feelings of sorrow and guilt. Holden does not have the ability to harmonize with numerous factors in society. He is particularly critical of change in himself, his family, and his surroundings. More often than not, the changes that Holden has experienced impede his daily routine. For instance, Allie’s death injured him psychologically; the changing orientation of the streets injured him bodily. Holden combines his anti-change mindset with sensitivity to rejection, thus causing him to engage in a brutal quarrel with his roommate, Stradlater, regarding one of Holden’s former acquaintances, Jane Gallagher. He beleaguers Stradlater with questions to ask Jane; Holden wishes that Jane has not changed from what he remembers from his childhood. â€Å"All I said was, ‘Ask her if she still keeps all her kings in the back row.’† (Salinger, 35) Throughout the plotline, Holden shows that he is in need for intimate relationships with other individuals. One of Holden’s most prominent problems is that he considers all adults as phonies; he visualizes childhood as the ideal state of being. To illustrate, throughout Holden’s childhood, it has become obvious that he has idolized his older brother, D.B.; however, now that he is a writer for Hollywood, Holden considers him a phony. â€Å"He used to be just a regular writer, when he was home. Now he’s out in Hollywood, D.B., being a prostitute. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s the movies. Don’t even mention them to me.† (Salinger, 2) While residing at Pencey Prep, prior to becoming expelled, Holden remarks that he has greater respect for Robert Ackley, a teenager who has repulsive hygiene, than for his roommate, Stradlater, a sloven who hides his unsanitary ways. Holden can relate to Robert, primarily because he does not care about w hat others think of him; he does not want to be someone that he is pretending to be. Although Holden possesses great aptitude, he never applies himself to his own work, thus resulting in his expulsion from Pencey Prep, a college preparatory school. Of the five subjects Holden is enrolled, he admits to earn failing marks in four. From a conversation with Mr. Antolini, the reader learns that Holden acts in a quixotic manner; he cannot focus on a topic for an extended period of time. â€Å"‘That digression business got on my nerves. I don’t know. The trouble with me is, I like it when somebody digresses. It’s more interesting and all.’† The concept of Holden’s desire to flee from his home is eminent when he introduces his plan to his companion, Sally Hayes. â€Å"‘Here’s my idea. How would you like to get the hell out of here? Here’s my idea. I know this guy down in Greenwich Village that we can borrow his car for a couple of weeks. What we could do is, tomorrow morning we could drive up to Massachusetts and Vermont, and all around there, see.’† (Salinger, 132) Holden fantasizes a world where he can easily leave all his troubles behind in New York, and begin another life in Massachusetts, without encountering any additional struggles. After having his idea repudiated by Sally, he seeks his utopia on his own. â€Å"I decided I’d never go home again †¦ I’d start hitchhiking my way West. What I’d do, I figured, I’d go down to Holland Tunnel and burn a ride, and then I’d burn another one, and another one, and in a few days I’d be s omewhere out west where it was very pretty and sunny and how I’d get a job.† (Salinger, 198) Throughout Holden’s forty-eight hour journey, he abuses his freedom and accumulated wealth by going to the numerous bars found in New York. On several occasions, Holden becomes inebriated from the consumption of alcoholic beverages. â€Å"‘Where are you? Who’s with you?’ ‘Nobody. Me, myself, and I.’ Boy was I drunk! I was even still holding onto my guts.† (Salinger, 151) Treatment options for adolescents with clinical depression include supportive care from a medical provider, psychotherapy, and antidepressant medications. Family members also often participate in the treatment of depression. Family therapy may be helpful if family conflict is contributing to the depression. However, many parents, like Holden’s, are tempted to send their child to a â€Å"boot camp,† â€Å"wilderness program,† or â€Å"emotional growth school.† These programs often use non-medical staff, confrontational therapies, and harsh punishments. There is no scientific evidence to support such programs; in fact, there is a growing body of research suggesting they can harm sensitive teenagers with depression. In addition to family care and nourishment, medications may be considered in the treatment of depression. For instance, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), an antidepressant, may be used to treat depression; however, some medications carry warnings that note that it may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions. In Holden’s case, medication is not needed. He simply needs loving, caring, family and friends. Of the diverse people in Holden’s life, there are only a few who comprehend his true inner being. Holden’s younger sister, Phoebe, aided him through his period of clinical depression. She is one who understands Holden’s problem and tries to support him through his times of need; she acts as Holden’s true confidant. When Holden is in the company of Phoebe, he experiences feelings of joy, warmth, and rebirth. â€Å"I just felt good, for a change.† (Salinger, 165) Phoebe insists on following Holden, when he considers making his hegira in order to flee his troubles; Holden rejects her offer. Phoebe responds by crying, which assists Holden to face his problems. It allowed him to realize that if he left home, he would not be the only depressed and lonesome person in the world. As a result, he stays at home. Im not going anywhere. I changed my mind.† (Salinger, 207) Another sympathizer is Mr. Antolini, Holden’s favorite teacher at Elkton Hills. Holden respects Mr. Antolini for picking up the body of James Castle after he had jumped out of the window. However, when Holden is staying at Mr. Antolini’s house, he awakens to find Mr. Antolini’s hand stroking his head. Holden immediately begins to dress and leave the Antolini residence, assuming that Mr. Antolini was making a sexual approach. Afterwards, Holden is overcome by feelings of guilt regarding his abrupt behavior. I thought how he hadnt minded it when Id called him up so late, and how hed told me to come right over if I felt like it. And how he went to all that trouble giving me that advice about finding out the size of your mind and all, and how he was the only guy thatd even gone near that boy James Castle I told you about when he was dead.† (Salinger, 195) Overall, Holden Caulfield is an agreeable and reputable child, with an unprincipled beginning in life. His parents should learn to be comforting and caring towards Holden. Holden is lacking a major portion of infatuation, affection, tenderness, etc. that most children receive. Holden made the correct decision to hinder his decisions to leave his home. If he continues to make intelligent decisions that will benefit his future, he will be on the road to recovery. Research Papers on Holden and DepressionArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Personal Experience with Teen PregnancyCapital PunishmentThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Incorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThree Concepts of Psychodynamic

Monday, November 4, 2019

Twitter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Twitter - Essay Example Twitter emerged as a side project for a number of board members at the blogging and podcasting company Odeo. The original inventors included Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone. The original name for the project was twttr. The first product utilization functioned within the Odeo Company, with the full version finishing development a number of months later ("The real history," 2011) . After the product was completed the original Twitter founders created Obvious Corporation and through investor funds purchased Odeo and all of its subsequent assets. In April 2007 Twitter spinoff from Odeo and became its own company. In terms of popularity the company gained perhaps its greatest boost at the Interactive portion of the South by Southwest festival; at this festival user-ship expanded from 20,000 to 60,000 (Picard, 2011). There were a number of early development elements that occurred throughout the product’s orientation. In large part the structural dimensions of the product have remained the same since its 2006 incarnation. Many of the early development elements occurred in terms of the company’s management and organizational structure. In 2007 co-founder Noah Glass was fired ("The real history," 2011). In 2008 Williams assumed company leadership in terms of becoming the chief executive officer and Jack Dorsey became chairman of the board. Williams would remain in this capacity until 2010 when Dick Costolo would assume the position. 2010 also witnessed a slight change in the company logo. Twitter has experimented with a number of modern development changes in the last two years. Perhaps most prominent among these is the inclusion of a trending sidebar that indicates the most popularly tweeted topics ("A visual history," 2011). Twitter has implemented this service as a means of advertising as specific companies are given the opportunity to have their subject of choice featured as a

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Reflective commentary of research process Paper

Reflective commentary of process - Research Paper Example Furthermore, I felt that my dissertation should contribute to the wellbeing of the society that I am a member of. From this holistic perspective, I chose to study the literature on disaster management and its status in this country. My search of the relevant background information gave me an understanding of the steps that have been undertaken in disaster management in America, to prepare the nation in meeting the threats that are posed by natural and man made calamities. Several agencies and elements contribute to effective preparedness of the nation to face calamities. Scrutiny of the elements led me to understand that a critical element in disaster preparedness focused on those that are called upon the scene or voluntarily present themselves at the scene of a disaster to provide succour to the disaster victims at the outset. Therefore, disaster preparedness of a nation hinged on what we may term these ‘first responders’ at the site of a disaster. My next exploration i n the background literature pertained to these first responders, and the measures that have been taken to increase the effectiveness of the first responders at disaster sites. I found that there was ample information on the measures that were taken, but limited information on the effectiveness of the measures that have been put in place, to enhance the efficacy of the first responders to disaster sites. Therefore, I decided that my research should focus on this area, and have chosen to do a critical review on the disaster preparedness in America, tracing the background of disaster preparedness efforts in the nation, and the importance of the first responders, and finally focussing on assessing the preparedness of the first responders to cope with disaster management. Having found my research problem, the next task I undertook was to find a suitable title for my dissertation. My reading of information on the development of titles for a dissertation provided the information of the tit le needing to be succinct and catchy. After a great deal of thought I arrived at the conclusion of highlighting the subject of the study and the focus of the study through the title† Disaster Management: An Evaluation of the Disaster Preparedness of the â€Å"First Responders†. Developing the Objectives of the Study From the volume of information that was being collected, I realized that I needed to set objectives for my study, if not I would meander in finding the solutions for the subject and focus of the study, making my study aimless and results not gratifying for the efforts put in. My readings on setting objectives for the study also made me realize to keep myself focused on a limited set of objectives that were achievable, and not to try to take on more than I could chew. With this in mind, I developed three objectives that were achievable and relevant to providing answers to the problem that I was studying in detail. Developing the Research Method Having set my objectives, the next step in my journey in creating the dissertation proposal was in finding the efficient means to achieving the objectives of finding answers I was searching for that would be academically reliable and valid. All my earlier experiences in dissertations and my readings of dissertations clearly marked out that choosing the research method required me